LOCOMOTIVES - components
Showing 145–160 of 207 results
Brush holder – Hasler 5.8311.110 and 5.8311.108 DL-O 32 011-00
Twin carbon brush – Hasler 5.8311.109 DL-O 32 001-00
Speedometer transmitter collector Hasler 5.8312.104 and 5.8311.106 DL-O 25 003-00
Hasler speedometer motor – Hasler 5.8321.001 DL-O 32 017-00
Fuel pump motor (BZPOx 44/42 motor for P 301 fuel pump) DL-O 34 003-00
Direct current motor VD 3 type (for driver’s cab ventilator) DL-O 34 002-00
Direct current motor (PZMOb, PZBb, PZMLb type) DL-O 34 001-00
Speedometer cable for SM 30 locomotive DL-O 32 009-00
LDG-3 Tachometric generator (for SM30 locomotive) DL-O 30 018-00
GM-631 Transmitter DL-O 30 019-00
Axle-driven generator for Deuta Werke anti-slip system (for VT railbus) DL-O 30 052-00
Voltage control box BRN-3 DL-O 30 021-00
Control module base plate for timing resistors DL-O 10 030-52
Control module base plate for timing resistors (traditional) DL-O 10 030-50
Control module DAR-330 for timing resistors (substitute for CS controller) DL-O 10 030-00