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Large built-in trash bin for segregated waste DL-38-024-00


Large built-in trash bin for segregated waste DL-38-024-00 DL-38-024-00


Product Description:
The waste bin is designed for installation inside rail vehicles in the space between walls. It consists of two modules:

The visible part for users, referred to as the front.

The hidden service side, referred to as the container.

The bin’s design allows for waste segregation. The front features three openings corresponding to three separate bag holders mounted inside the container. Users have access only from the front, while maintenance personnel can replace waste bags from the concealed container side.


+ Convenience and travel comfort,
+ Aesthetic design,
+ Environmental responsibility,
+ Easier waste segregation,
+ Improved waste management,


Technical Data:
Material: Stainless steel
Bin capacity: 15L (3 x 5L)
Weight: 10 kg
Container dimensions: 688 x 410 x 123 mm (H x W x D)
Waste inlet dimensions: 200 x 100 mm (H x W)


Compliance with Standards: PN-EN 45545-2, PN-EN ISO 13920, PN-EN 22768-1

Application: wagony osobowe